Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Moving On...

I am now moving on, this story was the final thing holding me back. I have now set my story free and can hopefully put the upset and hurt behind me. I understand many who read this story will not believe it and may even ridicule me for it, but it is true and their opinion does not change what happened. I did not go looking for a reason to leave the LDS church; I was looking for the truth to help those I love and found answers I did not think existed. Those answers had not been taught to me as had other church history, they had been conveniently hidden. The LDS church does not deny the issues I found most troubling, they just normally don’t address it. To steal a quote “I don’t have a problem believing something that cannot be proven, what I have is a problem believing something that can be disproven.” However, I honestly believe that had this all been taught to me originally I would still be a content member of the LDS faith.

My family and I now enjoy our Sundays together, instead of filling them with meetings that keep us separate. We enjoy going for walks, hiking, dreaming, having scavenger hunts, playing, and otherwise spending quality time together. We all look forward to Sundays and enjoy them as our “Family Fun Day”. With the hectic weeks our modern lives now lead with school, work, volunteering, more school, and still more work not much time is left to spend together as a family; we now have an entire day set aside for it. This has been a wonderful blessing and our family has benefitted from it greatly.

I no longer feel a burden to “do more, be more, and give more”. Instead I do what I can, be who I am, and give to worthy causes. Davin has taught me to serve without question and to put others above myself and I’m trying to follow his example and support him in his efforts. We do our best to balance what we have so as to keep our priorities in line.

In general life is better than it ever has been. I am happier with who I am and don’t feel like I need to keep up appearances for fear of someone looking down on me any longer. I am not afraid of knowledge or truth and seek it out. I am doing my best to increase my learning and look forward to my chance at returning to school. I am not afraid of trying new things, of speaking my mind, or sharing my ideas.

I love that I can say I don’t know everything and feel that is an admirable quality. I don’t know what the future holds, I don’t know if there is any true religion, and I don’t know if man knows of any absolute truth. I believe my life will speak for itself, that if there is a judgment I will be judged on how I lead my life and how I treat others not on whether I remember a secret handshake. I believe that all religion has truth and good and that it is our responsibility to open our eyes to it. I believe that our family is bound by love and “what is bound on earth is bound in heaven” so we will be ok. I believe that Davin and I have a love that cannot be separated by death and as such will live on through the eternities. I believe that each individual is responsible for their own lives and that how they live that life is what ultimately matters. Most of all I believe we each have a right to believe however and whatever we may and no one should judge or belittle another because of it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

An explanation...

I need to explain, my parents aren’t bad people, in fact they’re very good people. They reacted in the same way most LDS parents would (and do) react to their children when apostasy, major sins, or same gender attractions are revealed. We were taught in the church that parents are responsible for their child’s actions and my dad fully believes that each of his children’s sins will hang over his head during his judgment. So not only were they reacting to my apostasy, they were also absorbing the information in a self-preservation mode. It was a lot to deal with and in a very sudden manner, their fight or flight response was activated and they chose flight. I understand that had I remained in the church I might have acted similarly in the event one of my children left the church and as such have accepted their actions, although I hope I might have handled it better.

We have exchanged a few emails and had a few conversations about my feelings but for the most part the topic is generally avoided. My dad and I have seemed to salvage a relationship out of the mess that occurred and are getting to the point that we can enjoy a conversation without the feeling of something looming. My mom and I haven’t and our weekly conversations have been eliminated but I hope that someday she’ll accept me and decide to love me despite her opinion of my decision. On the same note I hope that someday I can get over the hurt and anger that her reaction caused and have the courage to try to initiate the healing process again.

For the most part neighbors and friends have been very loving and accepting. We have agreed that anyone who would like to visit may and as such have the occasional home/visiting teachers come by. As long as they respect us and remain civil they will always be welcome. There have also been some very unkind and hurtful comments that I have to laugh at and don’t allow to bother me. Some of my favorites are: I have been told that there’s a dark cloud over my house (despite my beautifully blooming yard), in a surprised voice “Your house has a really good feeling in it”, and the common “Are you doing this to be a supportive spouse?”.

Many “Post-Mormons” are terrified to “come out” and tell their families and friends because of the common reactions of intolerance, blame, and condemnation, instead hiding their opinions and new lives. This option was available to me but I never gave it much consideration, like I said before I am a very honest person (sometimes to a fault) and couldn’t imagine living a lie, plus we had a baby being born so it wasn’t something we could hide for long. Some days, I do wish I could have stomached this option. It would be much easier to have continued on, allowing my family to assume what they will instead of being given the “silent treatment”, potentially being disowned, and having any trust that was once there evaporate in the time it took to hit “send”. My only hope is that someday they’ll overcome their bias and understand that my family and I are still the great people we always have been and that being an active member of the church does not make you better than anyone else.

As I mentioned the “Post-Mormons” are many and thankfully we have been able to meet quite a few families in a very similar situation. My ignorance has been eliminated as I once thought that only people who wanted to sin, couldn’t handle the “lifestyle”, and who weren’t strong and faithful members left the church. Instead I have met people who had incredible faith; a bishops wife, a second counselor, a young wife who volunteered to help with conference transcripts, all local and all who found similar information and had the courage to question their “truth”. Within 1 month this local group grew from 14 adult individuals to over 35, there was no recruitment, no missionaries, no coercion, just people who found the truth and reached out online to those who have gone before. You can meet these people and more at PostMormon.org. In general they are a loving and open group who understand the hurt, anger, and fear that comes with leaving one’s belief system. I have learned much from their examples (good and bad).

Many people who leave the church become Atheist or Agnostic, and a few convert to another religion. I now consider myself Agnostic but with Christian leanings. I don't want to affiliate myself with a religion or define myself by one. I now understand that the Bible wasn’t what I was taught but I still believe it to be mostly inspired writings. I believe that Christ came to Earth and changed it permanently, he taught us to love unconditionally, to forgive all, and to serve those around us. I still cling to those teachings and teach them to my children. Jay and I talk about Christ daily and Ike has begun to participate, I love those teaching moments and opportunities. I do still try to see the good in the church and understand why it is such a major part of so many lives. I believe the prophets and apostles to be mostly good men that are trying their best to lead millions to God. I don’t agree with many of their tactics and find that many of their teachings either contradict what was said before or put an unrealistic burden on the members to do more, be better, and give more. What I’ve learned for myself is that “What’s good about the church isn’t unique, and what’s unique about the church isn’t true”.

One common theme about the “PostMo’s” is an almost unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Most continue to research the church long after they leave, finding problem, after inconsistency, after horrific historical action. I have tried to channel this thirst to more productive measures reading positive books, listening to pod casts, educating myself about other religions, gardening, immersing myself in my projects and learning about better parenting techniques. I have done this in a very conscience effort to avoid being bitter toward the church and feel I have succeeded.

Many people have been offended by this blog and I apologize for any hurt feelings. In one last defense I would like to put you in my shoes for just one minute. Let’s pretend you decided to leave your spouse. This spouse had been extremely unfaithful and has lived a double life unbeknownst to you. One day you came upon a mass amount of evidence, so much that you couldn’t stomach looking through all of it – there was no question that your spouse had been lying to you ever since you first met. You knew in your heart you needed to leave and find the courage do finally so. You tell your family and friends that you are leaving and although some were loving most turned their backs and ignored your need to be validated. Most assumed that you wanted to go sleep around or live a life of sin instead of having the “burden” of a marriage and family to weigh you down. Your spouse told all your family members as much and they didn't think they had a reason not to believe him/her as they have always trusted that person. After a year and a thousand assumptions you wonder why no one has asked your side of the story. Would you not get sick of being called a sinner and want to have your story be heard? Could you be fine with “I found some stuff and my spouse wasn’t who they pretended to be” even though you knew they didn't believe you? I couldn’t.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bombs Away...

I internalize everything. I am not someone who “talks out” my issues. I think them over, research, weigh the pros and cons, asses my feelings, and then come to a conclusion. During this process I am very quiet about what is on my mind and don’t reveal my inner workings until I have come to a conclusion. Thankfully Davin is similar and understands my need for space when I’m mulling something over. So while I was researching the church Davin and I wouldn’t talk about the issues until I had come to a conclusion on a subject. I would then bring it up and find out what his opinion was. It was very freeing to be able to open a subject up and explore it together, most of the time I found we had come to the same conclusion (although often we had looked at very different sources).

Neither of our families had any idea that we were leaning away from the church, they were all under the assumption that we were still faithful members. No one in either family knew anything until we told them we were out. I regret this, as it was a huge bomb to drop at their feet and a lot to expect them to ingest in one fell swoop. It was unfair of us not to allude to anything, however, we did not hide our struggle… it just wasn’t approached. As someone who internalizes things it was against my nature to talk to my family until I had already made a decision. I also didn’t want to affect anyone else’s testimony and I knew (first hand) how damaging this information was. I thought I had an unbreakable testimony, that I would be “a tower of strength to those who are weak” (yep, that was in my patriarchal blessing) and couldn’t imagine ever leaving the church. How could a tower of strength show weakness? Only evil people left the church! How could anyone inside the church understand without me damaging their “unbreakable” faith?

Davin felt he needed to tell his mom where he stood with the church before I had made a firm decision and I agreed. She has always been a faithful member in her heart and has tried to pass that faith on to her sons. Although she has never felt at home in a ward setting Cindy has always impressed me with the conviction she holds dear and with her example of Christ like love and service. Davin was very firm in his standing and felt strongly that he needed to be honest with his mom so he sat her down and broke the news. I was taking care of the boys in another room for most all of the discussion but was able to make it in near the end. She had tears in her eyes but more than anything there was love and understanding radiating from her. She asked if my family knew and I explained that I was still on the fence but that they didn’t know anything. We all talked for a few minutes then she gave us each a very warm hug, told us that no matter what she loves us and will always be there for us, encouraged us not to be bitter, and that was that. We never really spoke religion with Davin’s family and still don’t but the air is clear and everyone’s ok.

Around early March of 2010 I had made a decision, I needed to leave the LDS church and I needed to tell my family. I was due in July and wanted the air to clear before my delivery. I decided I did want him to be blessed for traditions sake and was sure my dad would gladly bless our new baby. Most of all I wanted to tell them in person (they live in NM) and they were coming up in April so I had determined to tell them then. My cousin was getting married that weekend but it was a very quick trip and we didn’t see them much so timing was difficult. I didn’t want to tell them before the events and ruin her special day which left the night they slept here on their way home to break the news. We also had some other major family drama happen shortly before they came up so I was struggling with whether to tell them at all, I knew this was going to be huge and really didn’t want to add to their stress. I was so torn but honesty is such an important part of who I am that I knew I needed to tell the truth with our situation.

That night they didn’t arrive until late. They were tired and I still had kids to put to sleep, so Davin and I rushed to get the boys to sleep and hoped we’d be able to catch my parents before they crashed for the night. I had intended to give them each a letter (the same one I sent everyone), let them read it, then come in to talk. My plans were dashed very quickly when I found out mom had taken out her contacts for the night and dad had an eye infection or something that made it hard for him to read at the time. So, with a knot in my stomach with what I feared would result in revealing this to my parents, I sat them down and told them I had something to say. I explained that I wanted to read them a letter then I’d like to talk to them about it. Davin was in the other room while I read the letter, as I wanted to confront them alone. So I began to read:

There is no easy way to start a letter such as the one I am about to attempt so I am not going to do so gently or eloquently. In short, I have decided to leave the church. This has been a very personal decision and one I have not made lightly. I apologize for the horrific timing, the suddenness, and blunt manner of this revelation but out of love and respect for you I don’t feel it’s wise that I keep this from you any longer. Although it may seem sudden to you this has been a very long process filled with study, prayer, and contemplation. However, in the end the result is a loss of my once strong testimony of Joseph Smith and the truthfulness of the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I still have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ, of His life, the atonement, and the resurrection. I whole heartedly believe that families can be together forever if they are bound by love, are faithful, and try their hardest to live as Christ would have them do. I believe in the power of faith, prayer and the miracles that happen when true faith and earnest prayer are offered to a loving Heavenly Father. I believe that we are surrounded by truth and beauty and that we need only to open our eyes, minds, and hearts to it. I believe that all religion has truth and I intend to seek that truth out and teach my family all that I find. I still have a great love for the church and for the amazing people in it. I believe that the Prophet and Apostles are good men who are inspired and who are doing their best to guide the members of the church to eternal glory. I just don’t believe you have to be a member to gain that eternal glory, nor do I believe that all members will gain that despite the callings they may have held.

This decision is not an easy one to make, I have measured the consequences and they have heavily weighed on me but in the end it is more important for me to be true to myself than to have others think highly of me. I believe it is also a very important lesson for me to teach my children as I think that being true to yourself is more important than other people’s perception of you.

I assure you, I have not been offended by anyone in the church, nor have I ever had a better ward & neighborhood. We have been welcomed with open arms and have loved this area since before we moved in. Nor have I decided to leave the church because it requires us to live a higher law, I intend to continue living a higher law – that of my own conscience instead of something that is dictated. I’m sure many people will criticize me saying I am taking the “easy way out”, and I assure you – this is not easy, nor is it a way out.

The hardest question to answer and the one I am sure you are asking is “Why?”. Although I have many answers to that question it is not something I feel I can answer because I don’t want to be responsible for the loss of another’s testimony. It sounds like a “cop out” answer but I mourn the loss of my innocent testimony and don’t want to inflict that on another. In short, there are parts of the church (past and present) that I cannot agree with and refuse to ignore.

I love you and hope you will respect this decision but understand and respect that you might not agree with it. Although, it has been a journey I have travelled alone it is one that Davin has travelled alongside me and we have come out the other side in agreement that this is best for us and our family. I found a quote not long ago that reads: “When you come to the end of everything you know… and the next step is into the darkness of the great unknown… you must believe one of two things. Either you will step out onto firm ground or you will be taught to fly.” The church was everything I’ve ever known, it has made me who I am today; now that I have left that behind and travelled through the darkness of the unknown I have found myself to be on firm ground, where I am more content with who I am, where I am at peace with my life, and where I can see a very bright future ahead of me and my family and hopefully, where I will be taught to fly.

With nothing but love and respect,

By the second sentence my mom turned off. She began to stare at the wall in front of her and didn’t respond to most anything during what followed. My dad looked shocked and confused but tried to talk to us and find out what brought this on. He wanted to know details and specific issues. He was very calm and tried to have a positive and open conversation about what I had found and where I now stood. At some point Davin came in a quietly sat next to me to offer his presence as some support.

I explained that Joseph Smith was the primary issue for me, especially his polygamous affairs. I did not agree that marrying 14 year olds after sending their only family away and telling them their salvation was at stake was commanded by God. We talked for a while, with dad sharing some of his ideas and admitting that my mom has struggled with the concept of polygamy also.

At one point my mom left with her cell phone, returned after a while and accused one of my old friends of causing my apostasy. I was upset and retaliated by telling her that I thought it was really sad that she hadn’t let an old grudge go. She came back with telling me it was sad that her pregnant daughter was sitting there with her innocent boys in their rooms and I was ruining our future (something to that extent).

I took the opportunity to then ask my dad if he would bless Luke since Davin wouldn't be able to. I also explained that we had talked to Jayden who encouraged and supported our decision to not go to church anymore. After some more conversation with my dad I told them that I’d let them get some sleep and we left.

I got my pajamas on, emailed the same letter to the remainder of my family, then went back to give my parents a hug and tell them that no matter my decision I still love and respect them. Unfortunately the door was shut, the lights were off, and I didn’t have the courage to knock, instead thinking things would be better in the morning.

That opportunity never came; they woke early, packed their bags, and left without saying goodbye. There wasn’t even a note and I was heartbroken.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I am taking a brief intermission in my story to share this but there will be another post coming soon to continue the story. You might notice that “anonymous” had posted a comment on my previous post and deleted it. This person was very bold in their comment, however, after posting and deleting the comment 5 times (yep… 5!) and staying up until all hours of the night they were not bold enough to keep it posted, nor provide their name so I could address them personally. I feel like this comment needs to be addressed since I’m sure many people reading my blog feel very similarly so here is the comment and my reply:

Honestly, it is simply the most generic form of anti-mormon literature available. None of it is valid information, and the power of the Holy Ghost will confirm that, if a sincere prayer is offered. Most of the information sited can easily be discredited, in some cases even by the original author(s). It is apparent that the ideals and values asked to be upheld by Church members were simply too much and you chose to no longer follow it. Your short term peace that has come to you and your family is not a reward based on your choice, but can be compared to a suicidal person which has finally committed to the act, sees a way out, and is once again happy of the prospect of death and ending their grief.

In addition, instead of quietly walking away and accepting responsibility for your choice to turn your back on the Gospel, you are publically denouncing the true Church of Jesus Christ, probably not thinking about potential eternal judgements. Chosing for yourself is one thing, but your children, and publically publishing false works on your blog is another. Keep in mind, that if anyone who may be waivering and falters because of your words or "research" and publically displayed works will envoke a swift and powerful judgement against you. (Anonymous)

Wowser! Thems are fightn’ words! But, in all fairness this is the most generic of True Blue Mormon replies. In fact, two years ago that would have been close to my exact response (minus the suicide thing, seriously, how insensitive!). Ok, mine would have been a little more “loving” but then again this post obliviously upset “Anonymous” who then gave a very typical response. I don’t know if this person was personally offended by my story or if posting facts that the church does not refute (I put the links in the posts for a reason, to allow people to see my references and see that I was not looking at “anti-mormon” literature) or maybe this person is finding themselves where I was with a doubting spouse and a possibly upsetting future. No matter their situation they were upset, so upset the post was put up and deleted 5 times over a 1.5 hour time frame.

First, it is valid information. Please, look at the links I provided – if you don’t trust my research look for yourself at http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/ an apologetics site that “defends” most all of the issues I have posted in my blog. Or if you don’t trust the internet read “Rough Stone Rolling” by Richard Bushman (one of the primary editors of the Joseph Smith papers and leading LDS Historian of Joseph Smith) it talks about the multiple versions of the First Vision, his polyandry, his polygamy, translating the BOM with his face in a hat, counterfeiting money, destroying printing presses, etc. Even http://familysearch.org acknowledges Joseph’s many wives and the resulting confusion of parentage for the children of his polyandrous relations.

Second, I did pray. They were some of the most sincere and heartfelt prayers I’ve ever offered. The answer I got was that everything would be ok, the same thing our bishop told us when we talked to him, and what I can now comfortably tell the world. Everything is ok.

Ironically I used to think that people left the church only left for the reason stated “It is apparent that the ideals and values asked to be upheld by Church members were simply too much and you chose to no longer follow it.” I know nothing I say here will make you think otherwise, because I was once just as close minded as “anonymous” but rest assured my family and I have not changed our lifestyle. I still don’t watch rated R movies, we don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, etc. More importantly we DO spend quality time together, try to help those in need, donate to worthy causes, serve people around us and look for opportunities to volunteer our time and efforts to those who need it. (And we don’t have any addictions to caffeine, cough...cough ;) ).

I refuse to address the suicide comment as I think suicide is tragic and should not be spoken of so lightly.

As for publicly denouncing the “True Church” I am doing no such thing. I am posting my story for those interested to read as most anyone who knows me has assumed what my story is but no one knew the truth. I needed a release, I needed to have a place to put my story so if someone did want to know they could find out. Yes, there are some upsetting things in it and I have made a special effort to warn the reader in advance when there may be controversial issues. I have shared my experience, how I felt, and my resulting decision. What others do with this is up to them as an individual. If they would like to dismiss my story as “anonymous” did they are welcome to. If they are interested in learning more I have provided some links (once again most all are LDS approved sites). If all they gain from my blog posts is a better understanding at what transpired over the last year at the “end of the street” then I have met my goal. Believe it or not I am not trying to affect others’ testimonies; however, I have come to terms that through this I may. But for someone who is going through what I have gone through I also want to let you know there is hope, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and there is a beautiful life waiting.

The fear that is so apparent in this comment is understandable, as I once was full of that same fear. It is terrifying that the simple act of loud laughter could cause a reprimand from God. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I sincerely questioned “His” belief system. There is a quote that has given me the courage to follow the path I have chosen it reads: “The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.” (Pierre Abelard) I no longer feel that fear and am comfortable with who I am.

As for the “swift and powerful judgment” I will take what comes, but personally I believe in a loving and fair God. If the apologists at http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/ and http://www.fairlds.org/ haven’t met their judgment yet (as their articles have led MANY a questioner to research their own religion more, find the scary facts, then leave the church) I’m sure He will outstretch His loving hand to a girl that needed to release her inner workings and story to the world in hopes that some love and understanding may result instead of the “swift and powerful judgment” given by her peers. I also think that that same loving God might be reserving his judgment for truly bad people – abusers, rapists, murderers, those that commit genocide, and those in power that spread hate and intolerance.

I hope you keep reading “anonymous” and that you will find it in your heart to finish my story… maybe your judgment won’t be so swift to the thousands of people, who like me, found a truth for themselves and decided to live their lives according to their own moral compass. There is a huge community of former Mormons that is growing daily who all need a little compassion and understanding; even a little validation would do wonders. Many of these people are bitter and hurt, they no longer see any good in the church because of the intolerance of the church and it’s members (I still do). Thank you for your comment and the courage it took for you to almost post it, I’m sure it was a very emotional experience for you.

I am not close minded, I am not so arrogant to say I have all the answers, and I am still open to whatever truth I find. Please, feel free to comment, opening a line of dialogue is another purpose of this blog. I encourage anyone to reply whether positive or negative (however I do reserve the right to delete any hateful or unproductive comments on either side). Please feel free to refute any of my conclusions; I encourage anyone to bring up evidence contrary to that which I have found. Thank you to those who have been encouraging and positive, you have bolstered me up when I have needed some extra motivation to continue this process. Most of all thank you for continuing to read and show interest, I have been surprised at the number of people interested in my story. Oh, and “anonymous” I’d be willing to address any of your other concerns either in person, via email, or through this blog. I am genuinely open to any future communication you would like to have.

My story will continue with a new post tomorrow, until then please feel free to share your comments.